// Real Data for the Real World

Industries Served

From small businesses and non-profits to major corporations and political campaigns, diverse industries trust and rely on our data. Select an industry below to learn more.

// Political

Voter Contact & Issue Advocacy

Datum builds stronger communities by connecting with people on their mobile devices wherever they are.

Because we are mobile-first and rely on residential parcel data, Datum excels at contacting hard-to-reach audiences.

Datum conducts public outreach and polling to inform and activate supporters on behalf of political candidates, issue campaigns, political action committees, non-profit organizations, and grassroot movements operating on all budgets. Datum serves its surveys directly in-app. No redirecting to another site.

> 0 %
match rate on voter files
3X- 0 X
better CTR (click through rate)
than our competition
// Education

Public Sector

Datum works across the public sector to produce actionable data for governmental and other public entities to solve complex problems and inform strategic decisions.

Public Schools

Datum works with school districts to help with:

Re-enrollment: Datum’s proprietary ReRoll tool produces actionable intelligence for school districts seeking to re-enroll students who were enrolled prior to the COVID-19 pandemic but have disappeared from the public school system. To learn more about our capabilities re-enrolling students, please visit ReRoll.

Student Recruiting: Datum helps school districts identify and communicate with the parents of existing and prospective students, especially the parents of Pre-K and kindergarten students who missed school because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Colleges and Universities

Many higher education institutions face a common dilemma – raising awareness of the institution with the potential students who would benefit most from its academic and financial aid programs.

Datum works with these colleges and universities to identify potential students and inform them what is available through the device on which they spend most of their time – their mobile phone.

// Transportation

Transportation & Infrastructure

Datum’s proprietary origin and destination tool provides invaluable data for understanding and designing infrastructure. Our data has a two-year lookback window and is scalable for small cities and major metropolitan areas.

Infrastructure projects need support on many levels, from raising public awareness and participation to connecting with elected officials and community influencers.  Datum’s innovative public involvement technology precisely targets these audiences in the most efficient way possible.

Datum’s digital surveys can be applied to this market to help inform public investments, feasibility studies and planning efforts.
// Recruiting

Employment Recruiting

Datum helps employers identify and recruit potential employees – especially in industries where workers are in short supply or hard to find. Datum’s unique ability to create an audience of individuals qualified for a job and precisely reach those individuals to inform them of job opportunities is extraordinarily effective.

// Marketing

Commercial Marketing